Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Article pictures

Hi again Year 9!
I really hope this works for us. I've heard rumours that you can't access my blog through your Department accounts. That's pretty sad, and I'm going to apply to get that changed for the future.
I thought that as part of our newpaper stories, it would be really cool to have some images. I've located some pictures on the web of detention centres, protesters and posters for you to choose from. Have a look through, and cut and paste one of them from my blog into your Word document.
I've taken these from other web sites wtihout permission, but I have included the URLs so I am giving them credit. I would like you to also include the URL of any picture you take - carefully cut and paste it, and convert it to a very small font under or near your picture.
You might also like to use the table drawing tool in Word to create a box, and draw your own picture in once you have printed your article.





Monday, 3 September 2007

Hi Chloe

Thursday's work is one post down the page - and it's called 'Welcome to my Blog'.
You don't need to copy it out, but please read it all.


Yr 11 Revision ideas

While we’re not doing any real work in class this week, it’s a great opportunity to put your energies into revision. You have less than 2 weeks before the exams start. You need to go back over EVERYTHING!
To whit:
Area of Study – Changing Self
• Re-read Gatsby and notes
• Look back over the stimulus booklet and know your texts
• Re-read your related texts
• Find your chapters assessment task
The extended response for this section will focus on how composers present their ideas of Change in their texts.

Module A: Comparison of Texts
• Re-read Taming, and your notes.
• Read your notes for 10 Things (if you can, watch the film!)
• Find and read assessment task (feature article)
You question will ask you to consider how the texts are valued in their contexts, the similarities and differences between them, and the techniques used to convey messages.

Module B: Critical Study of Texts
• Know your poems
• Know your critics
• Know your readings
The question will probably focus on your knowledge of all these things, and ask you consider how meaning is created and understood though literature.
You should probably spend more time reminding yourself about the AoS and Module A, as Keats should be recent enough for you.

We’ll look in detail at the structure of the papers when the speeches are over. Or, you may like to look at the past papers on the Board of Studies website.