Thursday, 14 June 2007

Characher work

In case my other plan doesn't work!


Taming, Ten Things
Character questions

1. Describe in three words each of the following characters in The Taming of the Shrew:
Katherine, Petruchio, Bianca, Hortensio and Gremio
2. Describe in three words each of the following characters in Ten Things I Hate About You:
Kat, Pat, Bianca, Joey, Cameron
3. Relate one incident from the play that reveals the personality of the character:
Katherine, Petruchio, Bianca, Hortensio, Lucentio
4. Relate one incident from the film that reveals the personality of the character
Kat, Pat, Bianca, Joey, Cameron
5. Describe the references to clothing that are made in The Taming of the Shrew. What does this clothing shoe you about the characters and the society that they are a part of? (3-4 references)
6. Describe the clothing worn by the characters in Ten Things. What does this say about the place of these characters in this society?
7. How have the characters changed by the end of the play?
Katerine, Petruchio, Bianca, Hortensio, Lucentio.
8. How have the characters changed by the end of the film?
Kat, Pat, Bianca, Joey, Cameron.
9. Find two quotes that reveal the personality of each character in the play:
Katherine, Petruchio, Bianca, Hortensio, Lucentio, Baptista
10. Find two quotes that reveal the personality of each character in the film:
Kat, Pat, Bianca, Joey, Cameron, Mr Stratford

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