Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Sorry guys

I seem to have the plague. Or at least, the flu followed by a throat infection. I'd like to be there so that you had some meaningful work to do, but I can't talk above a whisper.

So Yr 12 - keep reading your Lear, and if you've read it all, read the intro.

Yr 10 - do the Shakespeare activities I've been sending in! And stay out of trouble!

Yr 9, Yr 8 - I'm sorry, we should be preparing for your media work. We'll do heaps when I get back, so in the meantime, be nice to your casuals. It's not their fault.


Anonymous said...

get well fast, miss! Miss you lots. King lear is so difficult to get through - both reading and deciphering the language! See you when you get back. Take care of yourself until then! :)

Ms Delprat said...

Thanks! I think it's all over now.

Let's tackle this Lear!