Friday 21 December 2007

Read more books!

Hey guys
Welcome to your holidays. I hope you get lots of rest, and have many good adventures.
I've been promising a wide reading list for a while, and here is a kinda list...I feel like it will never be complete, so I would suggest using it as a guide. The idea is to get you reading outside the square, or outside your normal comfort zone.

Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
Dark City
Citien Kane
Alice in Wonderland (Disney cartoon)
Animal Farm (cartoon)
Any Marx Bros Film - the best is A Night at the Opera
Harry Potter - all of them
Anything and everything by Tim Burton
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Anything by Baz Luhrmann
Any Monty Python
Being John Malkovich
Delicatessan or City of Lost Children (French)
Butterfly Effect
Any Miyazaki film - Spirited Away, My Friend Totoro, etc.

Novels and Stuff
To Kill a Mockingbird
Catch 22
Anything by Evelyn Waugh
A Herman Hesse, Gunter Grass, Jean-Paul Sarte, or any other European writer from between 1900 and 1950
Animal Farm, or 1984
All Harry Potter
Anything by Terry Pratchett or Neil Gaiman
Anything by Mike Morre
Everything by Roald Dahl
Australian authors - Henry Lawson, Patrick White, Tim winton, Peter Carey, John Marsden, Ruth Park, Nadia Wheatley

Anything, and everything else you can! The most important things is that you fill your mind, your imagination with the ideas of others, to know what is possible in your own writing, and ultimately the world!

Have fun!